Nuclear Decommissioning

Monsud S.p.A. has extensive experience in the nuclear sector , having been involved for years in various decommissioning activities of nuclear plants at Sogin sites.


Monsud S.p.A. has extensive experience in the nuclear sector , having been involved for years in various decommissioning activities of nuclear plants at Sogin sites.

Monsud was the first Italian company to build a temporary storage of radioactive waste at the Garigliano (CE) site and a new temporary storage of radioactive waste at the Saluggia site – Eurex plant (VC).

Monsud is specialized in:

  • Demolition of existing buildings
  • Demolitions and constructions in controlled area
  • Structural civil works
  • Plant engineering (HVAC, compressed air, nitrogen, electrical systems,  drainage systems, radiologicsystems i)

Structural management and engineering are developed within the Company through software and human resources highly specialized in the nuclear sector.